On registration of a trademark, you are permitted to use the R symbol with trademark and this registration is valid for a period of 10 years. However, to enjoy the seamless protection of the trademark without any chances of litigation, the trademark renewal has been filed before the expiry of the mark. Once renewed, it has lifetime validity.
The Trademark renewal can be done anytime within 6 months of the expiration of the registration. Any further delay above 6 months is risky and will attract extra fees and documentation.
If the renewal process is not completed within 12 months of the expiration of trademark, the trademark will be abandoned i.e. removed from the trademark register.
A copy of the Registration Certificate Power of Attorney to represent the applicant Any photo ID and Address Proof of the Applicant Copy of TM-A
Why Choose Us?
At Online Tax Filings, we recognize your attachment towards the brand and its mark. We help you capitalize on trust and goodwill built over the years, and assist in helping you carry forward the same with prompt renewal.
Having been in the Trademark Registration for many successful years, we take pride in calling ourselves as reliable professionals, who can manage any Trademark Registration concerns in Chennai and throughout India.